Migration Policy Institute (MPI)

L'Institut de Política Migratòria d'Europa (MPI Europe), fundat a Brussel·les el 2011, és un centre de recerca independent i sense ànim de lucre dedicat a proporcionar una millor comprensió de la migració a l'Europa del segle XXI. MPI Europe proporciona recerca i assessorament pràctic a polítiques orientades a una gestió eficaç de la immigració, els sistemes d'asil i les comunitats d'acollida.

Humanitarian Protection Statistics

Use our interactive maps and data to find out where refugees and asylum seekers originate and the countries in which they reside, as well as annual asylum applications by country of destination. Learn which countries are the leading countries of refugee resettlement, where particular refugee populations have dispersed around the world, and more.

Refugee and Asylum Seeker Populations by Country of Origin and Destination, 2000-2020 Based on data from the UN High Commissioner for Refugees, this map shows countries of origin and destination for four population groups: refugees, asylum seekers, internally displaced persons, and Venezuelans displaced abroad, for each year between 2000 and 2020. Use this map to learn the numbers of refugees or asylees from around the world who have settled in a particular country, or use it to learn in which countries refugees or asylees from a particular country are located.
Largest Refugee Populations by Country of Destination, 1960-2020
Refugee populations are highly variable between decades, but a few countries stand out as regularly hosting large refugee communities. This map displays which countries report refugee populations greater than 500,000 in each decade since 1960 and in 2019. It also lists the 25 largest refugee populations by country of destination.
U.S. Annual Refugee Resettlement Ceilings and Number of Refugees Admitted, 1980-Present This data tool provides the annual resettlement ceiling set by the President in consultation with Congress for refugee admissions to the United States since the start of the U.S. Refugee Resettlement Program in 1980, as well as the actual numbers resettled by year.